Thursday, November 29, 2007


Hello, today I am going to tell you about a video course called " 20 EASY STRUMMING SONGS FOR GUITAR". Learn to play songs by David Bowie, Cat Stevens, Willie Nelson, Greenday, Beatles, Rod Stewart and many more!!
You are taught to play guitar with chord/songs sheets that are color coded and placed actually within the lines of lyrics to assist your learning. The chord/songs sheets can be printed using Microsoft Word. You also are able to play along with each song, this is helpful because it will help you keep the right time when playing.
And finally the main learning tool is of course the video. These particular videos are done with an ‘Over the Shoulder’ view. This means you are looking at the on screen guitar as if you were holding the guitar yourself. So no more having to mentally translate what you see on screen to what you are doing physically. The video shows you how and when the chord changes are made and also shows very clearly how the strum patterns work. It’s a bit like guitarists Karaoke.
You can buy this guitar lesson for about $40, or you can buy any one of the song lessons for about $10!!! That way you can test drive the course before you buy the whole course!!! This guitar video course is offered to you with a 56 day 100% guarantee!!! No questions asked!!!! So check them out under the "INSTRUCTIONAL SITES" list to the right of this post!!! UNTIL NEXT TIME KEEP ROCKIN AND LEARNING!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I have been playing guitar for years, through the years I have met a lot of other guitar players who were in bands and trying to produce and market their own music. Years ago to do this was really expensive and stressful and of course time consuming because technology had not evolved enough to allow us to easily and efficiently do so.
Thankfully that is not the case anymore, today a band can produce their own music and sell it without the interference of the big record labels!!! And how easy can it be? Well these days a band can take their final take recording, most likely on a CD, and use "CD+DVD AUTOMATER" and "'s fulfillment service to burn, print, package and deliver your final product to your customer any where in the world!! How? By setting up a "PayPal" account, which will then allow you to sell and deliver your CD and DVD as easily as selling an ebook or digital product using's XML service.
Just go to "PayPal" online and follow the steps, make sure that all the information is correct!!! For obvious reasons!!! Remember that it may take a couple of days or so to actually complete setting up your "PayPal" account because you have to confirm that a small amount of change has been deposited into your bank account, between .01 and .99 cents. They will send you an email asking you to confirm the amount, but you must wait until it is deposited!!! Then reply to the e-mail with that amount and they will send you an e-mail back telling you that you may now start making transactions online!!!
Now stop and think for a minute? Could you be able to design and market and sell lessons, games, video's, programs? Or more?
"CD+DVD AUTOMATER" is a PHP script that makes it easy to sell your final product, ONLINE!!! 100% hands off!! Paid immediately once you get an order!!!
"CD+DVD AUTOMATER" creates your sales pages for you, displaying images of your product. You are in control of your page or pages, if you want to have a sale than you can!!!
From a bands point of view, this becomes very helpful, useful, and profitable, because now the band can have professionally packaged product on hand to sell at their concerts, as well as promote their products online!!! By now you can see that this product will allow you to create guitar lessons, drum lessons, piano lessons and more!!! Which will help out with your bands expenses!!!!
With "CD+DVD AUTOMATER" you will be able to build a mailing list of all of your customers so that you can contact them with special offers and promotions.
You will get the "CD+DVD AUTOMATER" and a video that will show you how to set up "CD+DVD AUTOMATER" and show you how to get your product to them, and your customer.
All you have to do is create, upload to "Kunaki" follow all the steps you are shown in the video and your are done, and just need to promote your band like you always do, and now add on the ability to build your bands own blog business or fan web site, just send them to your order page and collect the money!!!
So check it out under "THE MONEY-MAKERS" to the right!!!
"CD+DVD AUTOMATER" comes with an 8 week money back gaurantee!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hello, today I am going to tell you about "RIFF MASTER PRO" a software program that will allow you to learn any song in literally a matter of minutes, for the experienced guitarist, that is.
But really its the ideal program for anyone who wants to learn to play guitar, why? Because you can take any song that's on CD or mp3 and slow it down without changing the pitch, unless you want to! You can also use a built in EQ to isolate the guitar parts so that you can hear them better! You are able to loop any section of the song that you are trying to learn and play it over and over until you get it! You can zoom right in to a phrase or a note that you want to learn and figure it out! And the whole time that you are using "RIFF MASTER PRO" to learn your favorite tunes, you are training your ears and mind to identify where any note or chord you hear is played on the guitar!! There fore you will sharpen your skills and be comfident that you can play any song you decide to learn!!
For $47 you get "RIFF MASTER PRO" plus you get bonuses like "HOW TO TUNE YOUR GUITAR", "HOW TO READ MUSIC", "BUYING THE RIGHT GUITAR FOR YOU"," WARNING WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN BUYING A GUITAR ONLINE", "THE FIFTEEN ESSENTIAL CHORDS FOR BEGINNERS" all in E-book form! You also get Printable TAB Sheets, Printable Chord Grids, Printable Fret board Templates, Printable Guitar Success chart For you to measure your progress, Warm up exercises chart to get your fingers flying!!!
So che check it out!!! It comes with a 56 day 100% guarentee!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Hello, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!! Today I am going to tell you about the Best Modern Country Chicken Pickin'Guitar Licks and all the Techniques and Methods you Need to Know to Play the famous Nashville Guitar Style!
This is a video lesson format that is broken down into small sections, very slow and up close!!! You will learn to master your "Double Stops", "Cross picking and Reverse Crosspicking", "Triple Stops" and "BRANDNEW Nashville Must Have Licks"!! The video also shows you exactly how to practice as well as help you to understand this style of playing guitar. This country guitar video will definitely new pick and finger abilities!!!
You also get 10 CD backtracks to play along with, as well as "PRINT PROFESSIONAL TABS AND NOTATION", and free software to slow down or speed up or even change keys to any song you want to learn, play!
This is available for instant down load for about 35 dollars, and if your into country guitar than this is the "GUITAR VIDEO LESSON for you"!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today I am going to tell you about another "JAMORAMA" guitar lessons online course for the acoustic guitar. Jamorama is known for their well constructed easy to learn step-by-step guitar lessons online, they have many to choose from.
This course offers step-by-step Guitar Lessons (supported by 153 video examples and exercises), Discover how you can train your ear to identify all the various guitar chords, simply by playing the revolutionary new computer game "GuitEarIt!". Master impressive skills, such as picking with a pick, finger picking, percussive strum, deadening, staccato strum, palm muting, bending, sliding and more!! Learn how to play along with a band with 26 exclusive acoustic Jam Tracks for you to play along with! Just like with all of Jamorama's other guitar lessons these lessons are available for about 40 dollars with a 60 100% money back guarantee!!!!
So if you really want to learn to play acoustic guitar then check them out!!!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Hello, today I am going to tell you about "GUITAR ASSAULT", its a online course that will locate weaknesses in your playing, identify improvisation ability, increase improvisation skills and boost arsenal of ideas, provide plenty of ammo to get your creative juices flowing, provide 66 'building block' licks you can use in your own playing, provide a utility where you can use these building blocks to create your own monster solo, and then learn to play it!!! Equally satisfy needs of novice, intermediate and advanced guitarists!!
The way that this guitar course works is by use of a software program that is very simple to use, all you do is select a lick (a lick is a short passage of notes), that lick will be added to the playlist, then click play and the selection that you have made will play while at the same time showing you the guitar tab!!! The program explains how to
a) apply these licks to real life, increasing your improvisation skills
b) add licks together to build solos, unlocking your creativity
c) learn how to play the licks, increasing your technical ability

There is also a whole range of example tracks demonstrating how you can create huge solos simply using the licks provided. This guitar course is new and expanding all the time!! These guitar lessons are designed to help the guitarist to write their own music!!! It only cost 28 dollars, its a great tool to have if you want to write your own music and be able to put in guitar tab form!! So check them out!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


Hello, today I am going to tell you about "ELMORE MUSIC'S GUITAR TIPS". These online lessons will teach you to play guitar very quickly and at your convenience, all you need is your guitar and your computer!!
These days with gas prices on the rise everyone is trying to save money, as well as everyone likely has a fast paced life that limits their time. That's where these lessons become a money saving , time saving investment into your life as a guitarist!! Its your own private tutor on call!!
Here is what you will learn and have access to: Learn the key elements of a Guitar,
choose one that suits you best, make your strings last longer, how to Tune-up in no time, all about amplifiers, 3-string picking techniques you can use with most of your own music. Master key components of a lead guitar and learn how to start writing your own music. Learn finger and picking exercises and scales. You will also be taught how to read guitar tab.
You get guitar tab software that will allow you to create your own guitar tablature and share it with your friends! You also get LIFETIME ACCESS to the site as well as you can download the whole site to your PC so that there is no waiting around for video to download, you don't even have to log in!!! Burn it to cd and take it where ever so that you can learn when ever!!!! And finally just like always "ELMORE MUSIC" is offering these guitar lessons with a 30 day money back gaurantee!!!!
These guitar lessons are for the beginner to the vetern guitarist, its priced at 49.95 for a limited time then it will go up to 99.95!! Think about it maybe it could be a cool early X-MAS for yourself or someone else?! So check it out!!


Sunday, November 18, 2007


Hello, today I am going to tell you about a guitar course called "EXPRESS GUITAR".Here's The First Easy Step Of Quickly & Easily Playing All Of YOUR Favorite Songs On The Guitar. Using A Never Before Discovered, Step-By-Step Learn Guitar System And See Results...
... In As Little As 10 Minutes... Guaranteed!!!"Get INSTANT ACCESS to over 70 jam packed guitar lessons with tons of illustrations, guitar chord pictures, jam tracks, VIDEO, audio clips and more! You will get:
Effortless 10-minute step-by-step practice sessions
Amazing image, text, sound and VIDEO clips
Incredible HIT song formulas
One-of-a-kind Virtual band "JAM" tracks
Impressive professional audio, digital sound
Unlimited FREE lifetime updates!!!
All of this comes with a 100% money back guarantee!!!! So check them out!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Hello, today I am going to talk about "GUITAR TUTOR PRO". This guitar course offers a 100% money back guarantee for 3 months!!!
You will learn to Master Guitar by using 3 high quality ebooks,400 audio files and over 300 exercises.Discover how to read music notation and tablature with the help of 'The Guitarist's Guide To Reading Music Notation'.Learn all the core guitar playing essentials, like hammer ons ,pull offs, palm muting,slides and note bending and much more!! Master the art of fingerpicking,Understand the theory behind 'Modes',Major, Minor, and Pentatonic scales. Learn a variety of 'open tunings'.
This guitar course also comes with "GUITAR CHORDS PRO" which is a program to help you find any chord you are looking for. You also get "eTUNER PRO", a software program that you can use to help tune your guitar to standard or some alternate tunings.
This guitar course is for all levels of guitarist, it cost 47 dollars at this time, but it normally cost 97 dollars!!!!
Its a good course for developing your playing skills!!! so check them out!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Hello, today I am going to talk about a site that offers step-by-step blues guitar lessons, this site offers a course called "PLAYING THROUGH THE BLUES". These guitar lessons will teach you all of the secrets, the tricks, or the techniques you need to know to play blues based guitar music.
To start with this course is in a step-by-step format filled with plenty of guitar tab and standard notation examples as well as video and audio!!! These guitar lessons will teach you to solo over the entire fretboard effortlessly, use the blues and pentatonic guitar scales to play great solos, understand the chord/scale relationships in the blues. How to play blues bends and use them.(You'll learn 1/2 step, whole step, and even 1 1/2 step bends)
How to use hammer-ons and pull-offs quickly within your blues solos to increase your speed. How to pull off pinch harmonics (guitar squeals) effortlessly, every time. Lifetime updates. There is more being added to the members area all the time. With your one-time payment, you get everything, forever!
All in all if you really want to learn to play blues guitar or even just sharpen your skills than this is a steal for about 40 dollars!!!! So check them out!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ELMORE : learn guitar online, with access to 5 sites

Hello, today I am going to review a site that provides a product for learning to play guitar online in front of your computer at home or anywhere that you have access to a computer. Elmore has guitar course that will help you learn guitar at a quick pace, how?!!
Well whats in these guitar lessons is: ‘shortcut’ technique that makes it super-easy for you to pick up any new chord – and master it in minutes. Secrets professional guitar players know about playing advanced level guitar … fast. These are simple strategies that you’ll probably never learn from your guitar teacher.
The easy way to play 50 legendary hits by Eric Clapton, Green Day, Pink Floyd, Queen, R.E.M., Joe Satriani, Van Halen, Carlos Santana, Led Zeppelin, Dire Straits and U2.
Simple tricks to getting lightening fast hand speed … it’s easy once the pro’s show you how. The easy and fun way to get those scales cemented into your head and rolling off your fingers as smooth as silk. All thru the use of guitar tabs, guitar videos, Crystal clear audio, all broken down into small sections to help you learn easier!!
You can login to view your lessons online or you can download the whole course to your PC!!!
You get: GUITAR TIPS,GUITAR SONGS,GUITAR LEADS,GUITAR BACKING TRACKS,GUITAR THEORY. All five of these sites come with a 56 day no hassel money back gaurantee!! Plus you get 7 bonus software programs to help you write your own songs, find chords,find scales, Your Own Live Guitar Tutor Via E-mail, and finally Guitar Effects Software,so that you can plug right up to your computer and play with any sound effect you want or need!!!
This product is for every level of guitarist and cost only cost 197 U.S. Dollars for a limited time than it will go up!!! As a guitarist myself I have tried alot of different guitar courses to learn on my own and this one is the best that I have seen!!! So if you really want to learn everything that you can than check them out!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

ELMORE:how play guitar songs of your favorites

Hello, today I am going to talk about a product offered by "ELMORE MUSIC". They have a course that will teach you step by step how to play 50 of the most popular songs out there, on acoustic guitar and electric guitar, they will even tell how to set up your amp!
They will show how to play songs by bands like:Yngwie Malmsteen, Green Day, Pink Floyd, Bon Jovi, Roy Orbison, The Ventures, Carlos Santana, Queen, Pantera, Guns n Roses, Nickleback, Van Halen and many more.
These songs are taught to thru "step-by-step" guitar tab, audio clips and video files! They offer some bonus software that will help you play faster as well as software for your guitar so that you can plug into your computer and play using any sound effects that you normally would have to spends hundreds of dollars on, and have a mess of cords and pedals to deal with. This software will allow you to record and email it to whom ever you want around the world!
You can take your time learning, because each song is broken down into segments, and when your ready to play the whole song you can play along with the whole sound track which is include in the course!
"ELMORE" offers a 56 day money back guarantee!! That is a no hassle GAURANTEE!!!
This is an excellent cours for any level of guitar player, right now it is selling at 49.95, but at some point in the future its going to go up almost double in price! Why? because its a one time fee giving you access to any songs they have now or they add in the future, which really makes this a sweet deal when stop and think about how much a song book will cost you, which I have found to be 20 to 30 bucks a pop!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

JAMORAMA: lead guitar lessons

Hello, today I am going review a product by a company called "JAMORAMA". They have a course that will help the lead guitarist to improve their playing skills. These guitar lessons are designed to teach you to play by ear so that you can play virtually any song that you have ever heard on the radio or any where else.
These guitar lessons come jam-packed with information and bonuses which include:
43 powerful videos that are just like taking private guitar lessons!
29 of the broadest jam tracks available any where! These tracks allow you to practice with a band in many different styles such as rock, jazz, country, blues, hip-hop.
1000's of guitar tab is available.
Everything in this course is in a step by step format, but if your are guitar player
that is a beginner or at the intermediate level than you may want to take "JAMORAMA's" beginner course which will teach you to read guitar tablature as well as it will help you get the most out of this course!!!
This product is available for a sell price of 29.95!!! You may also buy this product along with the beginner course for a sell price of 69.95!!! So check them out and UNTIL NEXT TIME KEEP ROCKIN AND LEARNING!!!!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007


Hello, today I am reviewing a product offered by "JAMORAMA". Their online course offers "step by step" lessons with the use of video. They will teach you everything you need to know how to play guitar from a beginner to the veteran guitarist.They give you some jam-tracks to play along with, they also have over 1000's of guitar tab available for you to learn from. They will teach you how to read "GUITAR TAB", so that you will be able to learn any song that is offered in the "GUITAR TAB" format.
You will also get unique guitar learning software that is designed to help you learn to read "TRADITIONAL STAFF MUSIC", as well as to train you to play by ear so that you can play along with a CD, or the RADIO or any other source.
You also get a game that is designed to help you learn to read music called "JaydeMusica".
All in all for a normal price of 99.95, which if you order before 11-12-07 you can get this course for 39.95!!!!
What you get is the complete JAMORAMA COURSE, which includes 44 chapters (252 pages), it is designed to teach you with the help of 148 step by step video lessons and audio lessons.You get 4 software bonus packages along with your purchase. This course is offered with a 100% 60 day moneyback guarantee !!!! This course is very detailed and is perfect for every level of guitarist. So check them out if you are serious about learning to play guitar.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Quickbeats: The Virtual Drummer

Hello, today I am going to give you a look at a product called "QUICKBEAT V1 HUMAN DRUMMER". Its a software program that is good for a guitarist to have for practicing anywhere at just about anytime. It contains over 100 beats in many different styles of music, style selections are made easy by the user friendly format, drums sound just like a human is playing them, and its cheaper and less complicated than most drum machines on the market today !!!! This product is designed for beginners to download easily to a windows or mac system and only cost about 30 dollars !!! I would recommend it to anyone serious about improving their playing abilities that doesn't have a whole lot of money or patients when it comes to programming a drum machine, this is the product for you !!! UNTIL NEXT TIME KEEP ROCKIN AND LEARNING !!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Hello, today I am going to discuss in detail "MUSIC MASTER PRO". To start with they offer over 600 videos and 1000's of lessons to learn from right from your own home!!!
They offer 24 hour support, they update their site every month.
For about 30 dollars you get 3 courses, Guitar, Bass Guitar, and Drums. This is a lifetime membership, which is great because you never have to stop learning from the comfort of your own home. This is a great product for the beginner and the experienced musician!!!
Until next time keep ROCKIN AND LEARNING!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Hello, today I am going to tell you about "GUITAR BURNING SPEED", and what to expect from this course.
To start with this product is for the beginner as well as the veteran guitarist, it comes with an ebook in "ADOBE READER" format. The ebook explains how to read guitar tab as a bonus, along with other bonuses that include a tuner application, a chord finder application, a scale finder application, a game called "FRET WARRIOR" which teaches the student how to indentify every note on the guitar, also comes with a metronome applcation to help you keep time, and finally it also comes with a midi-drummer application that has 101 midi-drum tracks for you to practice with.

The ebook "GUITAR BURNING SPEED" covers everything from warming up to theory, picking techniques, how to spice up your lead solos, learning a song fast, and a 20 minute workout plan !!!! There are mp3 sound examples of the different techniques, there are plenty of charts and examples to study as well. There is also plenty of links for you if you need help.
All in all this course is well worth the investment of about 20 dollars, and for that price you will learn to play faster and increase your knowledge of chords, scales, and techniques. So check them out and keep ROCKIN AND LEARNING!!!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Today more and more people would like to learn how to play guitar, the problem is that in today's fast paced world it makes going somewhere to take lessons, inconvenient. Even if your are able to have someone come to your home to teach you, then you still have to fit it into your schedule and theirs.
Thankfully there is the Internet, where you can find the convenience of learning to play guitar or for that matter any instrument of your liking. I have found sites that offer lessons in your own home in front of your computer at your own convenience!!!
Sites like MUSIC MASTER PRO, which offers video, ebook, mp3, and more all for a lifetime cost approximately 35 dollars!!!! They update their site every month with new beats and lessons as well as you can preview videos and lessons before you get into them, so you know what to expect!!! This site is really great for beginners and the intermediate players.
Then there is a site that allows you to have the ability to play along with a drummer using your computer and software. QUICKBEAT HUMAN DRUMMER V1 offers a drum machine that sounds just like a real person is playing the drums right next to you!!!
They offer their software at around 30 dollars!!!! This is a very good and inexpensive product that will help you improve your playing abilities, all without having to find a drummer to jam with whether in your home or not, cause all you need is a computer.
There is also a site GUITAR BURNING SPEED that offers you the ability to learn how to play faster in 2 weeks with a 100% money back guarantee. For only 20 dollars its not a bad deal for a course that the experienced guitarist could really learn some new techniques for playing faster licks!!!