Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hello, today I want to talk about why guitar lessons online will save you money.
First the cost for private guitar lessons is about 30 to 50 dollars a week in my area, (Marion, Indiana). At that rate one can see why you might want to find another way to learn to play guitar, by the time you pay for two weeks of private guitar lessons, you could have paid for any one of the guitar courses that I have written reviews about in previous post, and it would only cost you 30 to 100 dollars just one time for life!!! Think about it, your paying 30 bucks a week for guitar lessons thats $1,560 a year!!!!! Next think about having to adjust you daily schedule so that you can accommodate guitar lessons, if your life is like mine than you understand that doing so can be a pretty big hassle. With taking guitar lessons online you can learn to play guitar when its most convenient for you, all you need is a computer and your guitar and time!!! Most of the guitar courses that I have reviewed in previous post of this blog include video instruction, so that you can see how to play what it is you are trying to learn, its just like having your instructor there with you!!!
Last but not least is the rising cost of fuel for you car. In my home town gas prices are always around $3.10 a gallon!!! So again if you are like me you need to keep your travel expenses down!!! Again guitar lessons online is the answer, plus you are helping our planet by reducing green house emmisions, as well as saving a tree or two because all of the guitar lessons I have reviewed in the past on this blog come in E-book form!!! Guitar lessons online, saves time, money, and the environment!!! And you learn to play guitar which can be considered a form of self improvement!!!
Think about it, over on the right is a list of wonderful Guitar Instructional Sites, check them out and save time, money and the environment as well as improve yourself all from the comfort of your own home!!!

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